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Peace: Seek it and pursue it—this mug, inspired by Psalm 34:14, echoes the immortal words of Prince, "Everybody's looking for the Ladder, everybody wants the salvation of the soul." Some may define peace as being with a person who sets their soul on fire. It may be homeownership or a substantial bank account balance. Peace may be for some being surrounded by family or friends or simply being a lone. All of those things are wonderful. They definetly add to our peace. But for me, it's an inside job. It's something only God offers. It's not found on the white sands in the Caribbean, in my bank account (although it helps), or in a person. This peace is found in a simple ask of the Creator and a belief in His Son. It's a way of life—a dedication to loving God, loving oneself, and extending that love to others. True peace settles the soul when life is doing its thang. It anchors us in the knowledge that God, through His Son, grants a peace that surpasses all understanding. When life hits us with twists and turns, God's presence within us brings a profound peace that surpasses human understanding. What is peace for you? Seek it and Pursue it!

.: One size: 15oz (0.44 l)

.: C-shaped easy-grip handle
.: Lead and BPA-free

PEACE: Seek it and Pursue It

SKU: 27625797453082955833
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