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Introducing Rehema. Rehema means mercy, empathy, and compassion.
Watch Her Inspirational Message on YouTube:
Affirmation Inspired by: Proverbs 27:9 The Message Translation

Find Your Tribe and Love them Hard! How can we indeed show love for our Sistahs? Empathy! True friendship is rare. I'm talking about the kind of friends that will climb into the pit with you when you are at your lowest. They will sit with you without judgment or advice, selflessly offering nothing but a "What-do-you-need-from-me?" vibe. We can use more people in our lives who lead with empathy. That caring sistah who shows up with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine because she instinctively knows that something ain't right with you. The one who "feels you" and wants to "hear you."  Check your tribe. Are they making you feel heard and loved? If so, love them back equally hard!

Who is this gift for? This is the perfect gift for someone who needs a reminder that you love them and are always willing to get in that pit with them! There are times to exhibit tough love, but then there are times to show up with grace and mercy rooted in empathy. It is also for someone who you want to say, "I am sorry for not being their for you." 

: White ceramic

.: 15 oz (0.44 l)
.: Rounded corners
.: C-handle
.: Lead and BPA-free

My Friendships Refresh My Soul

SKU: 20156305812952413513
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